
If your account is currently active in the AutoIMS system you can reset your password by following the instructions below.

To create a new password or reset a current password:

  1. Click on the "FORGOT PASSWORD?" link at the top right corner of the AutoIMS Home Page.


  2. You will then be redirected to the Password Assistance page on the website.
  3. Enter your AutoIMS Login into the Enter Login field.


  4. Click on the red "Submit" button. The system will generate an email that will be sent to the email address associated with your AutoIMS account.

    Password Reset

  5. Click on the link provided and follow the instructions.

Didn't Get the email?

Please look in your Junk/Spam folder as it is often misdirected there.

Inactive Account

If you do not remember your AutoIMS Login or your account has gone inactive please email. or phone us at 888-683-2272 and an AutoIMS team member will assist you with logging back into the system.